Spring time is just around the corner! The season of growth, sun, new life, and lots of rain. It is just starting to warm up a bit in Indiana and the sun is thawing the frozen ground. The last bits of snow are melting away and soon enough, hours of daylight will lengthen. Spring break is less than two weeks away and Peru Community Schools are entering their 4th term.
After two long weeks of spring break, school resumes on April 10th, 2023. This leaves only 33 school days left of the 4th term. The 2022-2023 school year will come to an end just as quickly as it began. What can students expect for the final months of school?
Upcoming Events:
March 2023
- NHS Induction Ceremony- 3/12
- PCS Choral Festival- 3/14
- Senior Honors Trip- 3/15-18
- PCS Band Festival- 3/22
April 2023
- NJHS Trip- 4/11-15
- Senior Cap & Gown Pictures- 4/18
- Talent Show- 4/27
May 2023
- Intern Rewards- 5/5
- HS Spring Concert- 5/6
- Prom- 5/6
- PHS Spring Concert- 5/8
- PHS Jazz Band/Swing Concert- 5/10 & 5/15
June 2023
- Graduation- 6/2
- Ballet Arts- 6/8-10
- Runners Camp- 612-16
(For further information look at the master calendar at peru.k12.in.us)