News Opinion

Extended School Year?

Many highschools across the globe are opening up to the idea of enforcing a student’s worst nightmare, year-round school. Does every student see this as a threat? Can it possibly be beneficial to a student’s education? Most would immediately say no, so why would it even be considered? 

There is a lot to argue on the topic of an extended school year. First of all, the highschool experience is not exactly glamorized. Students along with adults can recollect on mortifying experiences of bullying, harassment, stress, and countless other cons of undergoing highschool. Having a break between school years is well-deserved for students to relax and prepare for the next school year. 

One of the major causes of year-round school is the idea of eliminating the large gap in education that occurs with summer break. Many people can argue that this gap is actually useful. Forcing too much on a student can be overwhelming and hard for them to grasp. Summer break allows students and staff to re-stimulate their minds and ready to absorb their new material for the next school year. Taking this away can be harmful to the mentality of students who simply just needed a break from the competitive, learning environment. 

The main reason year-round school is influencing so many school corporations around the world is by promising a better education to the students. Avoiding gaps in learning can promote a better understanding of what students are studying and allow them to perform better overall. Another way an extended school year can be beneficial is cost. Having students on campus at different times can significantly save money. This would also help eliminate overcrowding and open up more room in classes students are wishing to take. This can occur by using schedules. Yes, the school year is technically still year round, but with staggering schedules, the amount of attending students will fluctuate. This means that one group of students will be on campus half the year, and the other group will be on campus the other half of the year. 

Overall, this idea isn’t that unpredictable. There are many pros of having extended semesters and school years but there are also a handful of cons. With a correct balance, year-round school can be a promising idea. 

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