A group of PHS students posing for a picture at Winter Formal

Winter in Paris Formal 2022

The PHS Winter Formal of 2022 was an all around great experience. This year’s theme was Winter in Paris. Tickets were available for 20 dollars and were sold during A & B lunch. It was hosted at the Miami County 4H building from 8-11 pm. Students from all grades and even chaperones had a fun and memorable night. 

Before the doors opened, students were all eager for their night to begin. It began to snow (which was fitting) so waiting in line was chilly, but soon, students were able to enter the doors. Once their name was checked off the list, they were released to roam around the building which consisted of a large open area for dancing, plenty of tables, a separate room for pictures, food and drink area, and bathrooms. 

As usual, the dance started off slow and most of the people stood around their tables or hung their coats, leaving the dance floor deserted. Only about 10 minutes later, groups of students started to file into the middle of the room one by one. And soon enough, the Winter Formal truly began. 

Punch, cake balls, and water were served in the small concession line along with a water fountain near the bathrooms if you needed a quick drink. Attendees were allowed to suggest somewhat school appropriate songs to be played for everyone to hear and dance to. After every couple of songs, the opportunity to slow dance was provided. 

Mostly everyone in heels took off their shoes to dance. Even without shoes, everyone looked great in their formal attire. All different kinds of suits, dresses, hair and makeup styles were present and students were able to express themselves with their own style. The formal clothing requirement was quite simple to follow and it truly made the night more exciting. 

Just as past PHS dances, the winter formal of 2022 was collectively a blast. For many it was their first formal experience and for others, it could be their last. But overall, mostly everyone can say that it was an enjoyable and interactive event. 

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